Let me give you a little tour of the old place especially to those of you who did not have a chance to visit me before, for one reason or another ;) :
A slightly different angle from the door, toilet on your left and kitchen on your right. STB's room is just right to the kitchen door.
Yet another different angle on the living room. You can see the dining table and of course the infamous balcony where Romeo meets Juliet... not.
Here's the balcony where STB used to smoke at, I mean, get smoked. No no no, STB don't smoke cigarettes, and neither is he adventurous enough to "smoke" at his balcony too.
Now here's something true: that's the white "Glass House" whose occupant is a bachelor in his early 40's tops. During Christmas the guys were standing at the balcony overlooking a bunch of guys who were in the Glass House. I guess either side is just waiting for each other to display their rainbow flags so that we can cross over.
Here's Sotongball's room, it is as neat as it can get and I'm sure a lot of the BWers has seen the worse of it. Really, why STB likes his room so much is because he rarely spent any time in the room. It's for him to sleep, change, surf, TV and tabao sex.
Last words to my old place,
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to experience what is it like to pay for my rent and expenses.
Thanks for being very close enough to town yet spotting a low rent.
Thanks for giving me a neighborhood full of queers, especially the good friend living diagonally across.
Hope the next tenant will love it as much as I did.
Sotongball wants to thank the friends who had helped him to move: Chat, Buaya, Seekstock, LupCheong and OralB. And also NFB for giving STB a gift for his new house ( of course more gifts are always welcomed from the rest ;P )